use thin sheets Reduce bedding, but be illustrator artwork service sure to have cover around you. Lightweight cotton sheets wick away sweat. No matter how hot the bedroom is, body temperature drops during the night when we sleep, which is why we sometimes wake up feeling cold. How lack of sleep affects the body Decreased cognitive function and mood/linked to dementia Reduced immune response - more prone to colds Reduce vaccine effectiveness (Increased) Cardiovascular Risk Affects blood sugar control, (increasing) risk of type 2 diabetes increased obesity risk Five,
cool socks to cool down Even a small fan is wise to use when the weather is hot, especially in hot and humid weather. It promotes the evaporation of sweat and makes it easier for the body to regulate its internal temperature. If you don't have a fan, you can fill a hot water bottle with ice water to help cool it down. Alternatively, put the socks in the refrigerator to cool before putting them on. Cooling the feet can lower the overall temperature of the skin and body throughout the body. Six, stay hydrated Stay hydrated throughout the day, but avoid drinking large amounts of water before bedtime. Because you don't want to wake up thirsty or go to the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning.
_110786308_gettyimages-1162761698 Photo Credit: Getty Images / BBC News Drink more water and less alcohol or caffeinated beverages. Seven, choose drinks carefully Here is a reminder to be careful with soft drinks, because many soft drinks contain a lot of caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system and makes people feel more